Q: When should oak trees be worked on?
A: If you want to do some extensive pruning (more than just removing a limb or two) then the safest time would be late June all the way through the first week or two of February. Avoid pruning your oaks from February to early June. During these months, oak wilt spores can be released.
Q: Will ball moss kill a tree?
A: Researchers at A&M insist that ball moss will not harm your trees and I tend to believe them. If you notice, ball moss does not need a living organism to grow on. You may have seen it grow on insulated wires or on the edge of roofs, etc. Ball moss is not a parasite, it simply “perches” itself on trees. It is however very unsightly and can add more surface area for wind, rain, ice and snow and therefore become a factor for weather-related damage.
Q: How can I control ball moss?
A: Thorough cleaning of the tree by removing dead wood, water shoots and lower limbs would be the first step to rid the tree of most ball moss present. After the trees have been cleaned, it is very important to follow up with an annual spraying for the remaining moss and any new moss that has developed over the course of a year. This is done in the fall and winter.